List of Donors to the Castle Restoration Campaign

as of 7/30/2020

The following donations have been received by the Givins Beverly Castle Restoration Campaign. This list does not include the many generous anonymous donations. The Givins Beverly Castle Restoration Campaign is grateful for all the generous donations from individuals, organizations, and businesses.

Thank you!


Anne Alt

Deidre Anderson


Harriet Arnold

Patricia Arvesen

Patricia Bakunas

Nan Barsotti

Gretchen Bernard

Shelby Beverly

Henry Bianco

Jaime Blakesley

Nancy and Larry Brown

Susan Burnet

Kevin Byrnes

Richard Carey

Monica Carey

Pam Carlson

Russell Carlson

Patricia Carroll

Roberta and Doug Chalmers

Albert Chaps

Susan K Colby

Linda Cooper

Ann G. Corrigan

Virginia Corrigan

Jennie and Josh Cottrill

Mary Crowley

Marcia Curtis and Greg Lawler

Therese and James Cushing

Leah and Ian Evison

John Fisher

Jane Flynn-Royko

Laurie Foody

Mary Ann Furlong

Denise and Gary Gardner

Kurt Graf

Bertha Grode

Jan and Tom Hardy

Terri Haymaker

Patricia Haynes and Doug Fellows

Pat and Chris Hofmann

Cathleen and Thomas Hogan

Jeanne and Earl Hokens

Melanie and Rob Holmes

Eugene Horcher

Edward Howe

Marina Jablonsky

Michelle Jaques

Francoise Johnson

Kathleen Jones

Patricia Jonikaitis

Mary and John Kane

Alice Keane

Erin and Daniel Kelly

Connie Kilgore

Eileen and Charlie Klees

Marianne and James Lambur

Margaret Lane

Hunter Leggitt

Char and Chris Lichtenfeld

Tomas Limon

Carol Macola

Catherine Majeske

Barbara Mallon

Simone Malone

Joe Mansueto

Mary Martin

Diane and Edward Marton

Stacy Maul

Martha McBride

Cynthia McCarthy

Maureen McGann

Karen Meyer

Jacquelynn and Marino Michicich

Norma and Kenneth Miller

Jennifer and Michael Moody

Sarah Moriarty

Kevin Morrisey


Maria Moser and Ryan Kukor

Sue and John Mulcahy

Anne Neven

Carolyn Nowakowski and Anthony Caciopo

Paula O'Brien

Merrick O'Connell in memory of Maya O'Connell

Frances and John Oehmen

Beth O'Grady

Jarilyn and Steve Stavropoulos

Gerald O'Sullivan

Julie O'Sullivan

Sheila O'Sullivan

Nedjla Ougouag and Jacob Furst

Stacey and Matt Patricoski

Katrina Pavlik and Jeff Penzino

Audrey Peeples

Betsy Perrine

Kathy Perrine

Linda Petersen in memory of Bill Diana

Fern Popkin Peterson and Howard Peterson

Joan Ann and Donald Radtke

Linda Recht

Stacey Recht and Philip Von Zweck

Jean and Bill Robinson

Claire Robinson

Jill and Tim Roellig

Patricia and Patrick Rohan

Maria Saenz

Janet Sanders

Judith Schader

Rena Schergen

Anne Scheurich

Brittany Schrimple

Mary Shaughnessy

Michael Sheehan

Mary Pat Sheppard

Ellen Skerrett

Adair and Ken Small

Corbett T. Smith

Margaret Smith

Spencer Smith

Suzanne and Cecil Smith

Francoise Sowa

Mary Sparks

Linda Spery

Lorraine and Laurence Stanton

Scott Stirton

Marilyn Stone

Gerald Sullivan

Chad Syverson

Karen Tellef

Irene and Mark Testa

Karen Truitt

William Tyre

C. Vaccaro

James Vecchitto

Judith Wagner and Suzanne McLaughlin

Lisa Walsh

Lisa and Matthew Walsh

Irwin Watkins

Carolyn Wilbon and family of Rodney Turner

Judith Wagner

Donna Wilkinson

Kerry and Willie Winters

Lenore and Mike Wolf

Katherine Woyner

Ellen and Richard Yanz

Foundations, Organizations and Government
Calvary Lutheran Church
Donna Wilkinson's Yoga Family
Kiwanis Club SW Chicago
Landmarks Illinois
Morgan Park Womans Club
Rebuild Illinois
Ridge Historical Society

Gifts in Kind
Bulley & Andrews
Dan Campanella, DC Microsystems
John Devens
Heritage Gallery
Eileen Klees
Linda Lamberty
Errol Madgison
Marilyn Stone
Women in Restoration Engineering

NOTE: Federal law prohibits the use of contributor information for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose.